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Sexual Misconduct and Title IX

Training, Educational Programming, and Outreach

罗彻斯特大学致力于培养一种预防和意识到性行为不端和性别平等的文化. 所有学生都必须接受涵盖第九条主题的强制性培训, faculty, and staff during onboarding processes, including New Student Orientation.

Additionally, the team at the Title IX Office, student leaders, 和其他社区成员全年领导互动外展工作,以帮助大学社区进行预防教育, creating consent culture, being a BADASS bystander, how to support friends, 了解网赌论坛有哪些关于性行为不端的政策和教育法第九条, and related topics.

大学定期邀请在这些主题方面具有专业知识的组织的合作伙伴领导教育规划. Programs have included Take Back the Night, workshops, film screenings, The Clothesline Project, Walk a Mile, It's On Us National Pledge Day, Medallion Leadership Program classes, and information tables.

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Follow the Title IX office on Campus Community Connection

Required Online Training for Students and Employees

New Students

罗彻斯特大学致力于培养一种预防和意识到性行为不端和性别平等的文化. We have partnered with Get Inclusive 提供所有一年级本科生所需的在线培训, graduate, 以及大学的转学生,涵盖了第九条和其他主题. These training sessions, in addition to being highly interactive and engaging, 是否基于对健康社区最佳实践的网赌论坛有哪些. 该培训每年秋季和春季学期向所有新生发放.

Student-Athletes and Student Leaders

符合纽约州教育法第129-B条, all University of Rochester Student Athletes, 学生领袖和学生组织官员必须完成关于家庭暴力的培训, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault prevention, which is administered online from a company called Get Inclusive, each academic calendar year.

All University Employees

In compliance with New York State Labor Law, 学校所有员工都必须通过人力资源部发布的MyPath进行预防骚扰培训和第九条培训. 该课程提供了骚扰和歧视的互动场景和例子,并鼓励我们所有人积极结束这些有害行为. 本课程还包括提醒现有的法律和大学的政策和系统,以解决这些复杂的问题. This is an annual training for all employees.

Educational Programming

第九条办公室为学生团体提供教育项目, departments, and organizations upon request. 课程可以根据您的需要量身定制,或者您可以从以下课程中选择. 可以通过填写在线教育节目申请表提出节目请求. Please allow a two week turnaround for scheduling. 注:要求培训的人员有责任确保培训地点的安全. Below are some workshops already offered on campus, 有些课程是面对面提供的,有些则是在线提供的.

Complete the online training request form

Unpacking Sexual Misconduct (Medallion Program) – 60 min

通过讨论你如何成为防止性侵犯和促进安全的领导者,回顾和扩展你第一年的性行为不当培训, consensual environment for yourself, friends, and community. 我们所有人都有责任在罗彻斯特大学防止不当性行为,无论我们的人生旅程将把我们带到哪里.

BADASS Bystander (Medallion Program) – 150 min

Take the extra step to empower and protect yourself, friends, and community members by becoming a BADASS Bystander! Utilizing role-plays, 参与者将观察到一个潜在的有害情况, and rather than being passive bystanders, 他们将利用技能成为积极的旁观者,采取行动中断伤害并产生他人的积极行动. 该项目将帮助参与者获得采取行动的关键技能,并开始有效的对话,以解决和防止不当性行为的发生. Being a BADASS means Being Aware, Deciding to Act, and Saying Something (经科罗拉多学院许可借用的口头禅).

Title IX Refresher – 60 min

This program is an overview of Title IX, 罗彻斯特大学的学生性行为不端政策和校园预防的基础. 很好地介绍了第九条程序是什么样的以及对我们社区的期望是什么.

Supporting Your Friends and Yourself – 60 min


Sexual Misconduct Jeopardy! – 90 min

把你的朋友聚集在一起,玩一个有趣又有教育意义的性行为不端的危险游戏! Tell us the categories Alex Trebek! -“是”就是“是”,“旁观者再见”,标签“#”,“神话还是事实”,“给我看数字”和“第九条”.

Responsible Employee Training - 60 min

该培训将满足学生员工或在大学与学生一起工作的专业员工的要求,并根据SSMP和第九条政策被视为负责任的员工. 无论你是新员工还是你的部门需要年度报告义务和步骤培训, this will cover those requirements.

Complete the online training request form   

Don't cancel that class!

你是教职员工,谁不能来上课,正在考虑取消它? Don’t Cancel That Class! As an alternative to canceling class, 让第九条办公室向你的学生展示,并利用你宝贵的课堂时间!

Request a DON'T CANCEL THAT CLASS! session     

Public awareness/advocacy events

如果你通过公众意识活动,比如“夺回夜晚”,披露了一个情况, candlelight vigils, protests, student organization or other event or forum, or other public events, 罗彻斯特大学没有义务展开调查. 罗彻斯特大学可能会使用您提供的信息来告知需要进行额外的教育和预防工作.

Training materials for Title IX personnel: § 106.45(b)(1)(iii) & § 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D)  

根据联邦第九条规定,任何调查人员, decision-makers, Title IX Coordinators, 任何促成非正式解决程序的人都会, when serving in such a role, be trained to serve in that role. 这些人必须参加关于第106条中性骚扰定义的培训.30, the scope of the recipient’s education program or activity, 如何进行调查和申诉程序,包括聆讯, appeals, and informal resolution processes, as applicable, and how  to serve impartially, including by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest, and bias. 决策者必须接受在现场听证会上使用的任何技术的培训, and on issues of relevance of questions and evidence, 包括当有关投诉人性倾向或先前性行为的问题和证据与本案无关时. 调查人员必须接受有关问题的培训,以便编写一份公正概括相关证据的调查报告.


Title IX: An Introduction to the New Regulations
Department of Education Office for Civil Rights
Attendees: Decision-makers

Title IX Coordinator Training
Harter Secrest & Emery LLP
Attendees: Title IX Coordinators

New Title IX Compliance Training
Harter Secrest & Emery LLP
Attendees: Investigators, Decision-Makers, Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinators, Title IX Office Staff Personnel, persons who facilitate an informal resolution process, Office of Counsel.

Title IX Investigator Training
ATIXA – Association of Title IX Administrators
11/3/2020, 11/10/2020, 11/17/2020
Attendees: Investigators, Title IX Coordinator


Harter Secrest & Emery LLP
Attendees: Investigators, decision-makers, Title IX Coordinator, persons who facilitate an informal resolution process, Office of Counsel.

2022, 2023, 2024

Student Conduct Institute Badge

Investigators, Decision-Makers, Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinators, Title IX Office Staff Personnel, persons who facilitate an informal resolution process, Office of Counsel.