


If you encounter a student who may be in distress, there are things that you can do to help as a faculty or staff member. 查看我们的 精神健康资源卡 for information about typical concerns for 网赌论坛有哪些 students, symptoms of distressed or distressing students, and responding to distressed or distressing students.

点击这里 for tips on helping a student in distress.



Some signs that indicate that a student may be experiencing more stress than they can handle:

  • Marked decline in quality of course work, 课堂参与, quality of papers or test results; increased absence from class or failure to turn in work.
  • 长期的抑郁, 由悲伤的表情暗示的, 冷漠, 减肥, 睡眠困难, 或哭泣.
  • Nervousness, agitation, excessive worry, irritability, aggressiveness, or nonstop talking.
  • Bizarre or strange behavior, speech, writing, or thinking.
  • Extreme dependency on faculty or staff, including spending much of his/her spare time visiting during office hours or at other times.
  • 个人卫生有明显改变.
  • 谈论自杀, 直接或间接, 如, “I won’t be around to take that exam anyway” or “I’m not worried about getting a job, 我不需要.”


You should consider referring a student for psychological counseling when you believe a student’s problems go beyond your own experience and expertise or when a student indicates she/he is looking for someone to talk to.

One way of introducing the topic of a referral to UCC is to summarize for the student what you see as the content of the problem. Point out the emotional responses that you have heard from the student, perhaps with an expression of concern. For example, “You sound very upset about that. I have found that other students who have felt that way have benefited from talking to someone at UCC. 你对此有何感想?”

If a student is reluctant to seek counseling, explain to the student that counseling is not only for very disturbed people. Most students come to UCC because they are unhappy with what is happening in their lives. (We see approximately 1000 students per year.) Counseling provides a chance to explore feelings and solve problems with the help of an objective, 敏感而关心的倾听者.

Counseling works best when the student actually wants help. Even though you believe counseling may be helpful to the student, coercing a student to go to UCC does not work. Maintain your positive relationship with the student and do not force him/her to contact us. If you are wondering about the seriousness of a problem or if a student is ambivalent, call a UCC staff member to discuss what next steps you might take.

Once the student has agreed that counseling might be useful, there are several possible steps to take, depending on the student’s attitude and the urgency of the situation.

  • Give the student information about UCC and urge him/her to call for an appointment.
  • Invite the student to call us from your office right then, excusing yourself to allow the student privacy while on the phone.
  • Offer to accompany the student yourself to UCC and to provide a UCC staff member with some background information.

Once a student contacts UCC, an appointment will be scheduled. The appointment will usually take place within a few days of the time the student makes contact, depending largely on the flexibility of the student’s schedule. 紧急情况下, as defined either by you or by the student, arrangements will be made to see the student more promptly.


It is reassuring to know that a student you have referred to UCC has actually made and kept an appointment. The best way to achieve this reassurance is to ask the student directly. This is also a way of showing continuing concern for the student. We will urge the student to confirm this with you. 同时, 但在第二, we will seek the student’s permission to contact you directly for this purpose.

There will be times, however, when the student will not want to share this information with you. 在这些情况下, both UCC and you must respect the student’s wish for confidentiality, 尽管这会带来不安.


如果你担心一个朋友, classmate or student that you would like to discuss with a mental health professional, feel free to contact us for a consultation at (585) 275-3113.

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