Our Staff

我们的办公室为计划出国的学生提供建议. 所有的顾问也是学术顾问,并与学生一起工作,帮助他们将国际教育经历融入他们的本科课程. 

Tynelle Stewart

Tynelle Stewart 

Assistant Vice Provost, Global Education & Executive Director, Center for Education Abroad
Phone: (585) 275-7532

泰在国际教育领域工作了25年. As a first-gen student, 泰直到她的职业生涯才有机会出国旅行.  她的第一次丹麦之旅改变了她的生活,她现在致力于开发编程和获得国际经验的机会,为所有想在大学期间出国的学生打开大门. 泰已经成为一名狂热的环球旅行者,他希望至少去一次世界上的每一个国家. 泰负责在发展中提供有远见的领导, management, 为全面的海外教育机会提供战略规划,并为大学各学院的项目发展提供资源, risk management, reporting and other matters related to education abroad.

image of Aleta Anthony

Aleta Anthony

Director of Operations
Phone: (585) 275-7532

Aleta从事国际教育工作十多年,从事国际学生招生工作, immigration advising, student services and education abroad. Aleta caught the travel bug on her first trip to Cô作为一名高中学生,她仍然喜欢在任何场合旅行. 她目前最喜欢的国家是越南,下一个目的地是冰岛. Aleta是国际合作伙伴的主要联络点, student/family concerns, and overall operations for the Center for Education Abroad.                     

Laura Barr

Ted Pagano 

Associate Director
Phone: (585) 275-7532

Ted在CEA工作了十多年,是日本交流与教学项目的校友. 泰德在本科期间学习了日语和俄语,是华纳教育学院的校友.S. and Ed.D. Higher education leadership). 特德在CEA担任过各种职务:从学生顾问到副主任, and teaches a course for incoming exchange students. 他期待着更多地探索东南亚,也非常喜欢马来西亚. Ted是对领导或组织海外项目以及全球合作/协议感兴趣的教职员工的主要联系人.  

Rohan Palma

Rohan Palma

Exchange Counselor and Project Coordinator
Phone: (585) 275-7532

Rohan拥有超过30年的高等教育咨询工作经验, student retention, equity and access, social justice initiatives and currently education abroad. Rohan是一个狂热的旅行者,他花了两年多的时间在世界各地背包旅行,去过每一个大洲. Rohan serves as an education abroad counselor, liaison to Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Global E3 program coordinator. Rohan serves as a contact for students with general questions about going abroad and for students that have started their education abroad application. 

Aurelia Cammack

Aurelia Cammack

Academic Advisor
Phone: (585) 275-7532

Aurelia has worked for the University of Rochester for 20 years. The last 6 years have been spent working in education abroad, 建议有兴趣在国外学习一学期或一整年的学生. 奥蕾莉亚热衷于国际旅行和文化体验. Her last trip was to Barcelona, Spain, and Morocco, Africa. Aurelia plans to visit Cape Town South Africa next. 奥蕾莉亚是有兴趣学习如何开始计划一个学期出国留学的学生的联络人.  

Shoghi Hayes

Shoghi Hayes

Computer Systems Analyst
Phone: (585) 273-4547

Shoghi与网赌论坛有哪些的旅程始于2011年,当时他还是伊士曼音乐学院(Eastman School of Music)的本科生. 自2015年毕业以来,他一直在海外教育中心工作. Shoghi从2岁起就开始在世界各地旅行和生活, living in China for 3 years, and visiting family oversees regularly. Shoghi是学生数据查询的主要联络点, faculty, and staff travel abroad. 他还帮助学生和教师浏览海外教育门户网站.

Zuri Mitchell

Administrative Assistant/Office Manager
Phone: (585) 275-6316

Zuri has worked for the University since 2017. Zuri likes to take at least one big trip every year. The best part of her job is working closely with students. Zuri是海外教育中心的主要联系人,也是副院长兼主任, Tynelle A. Stewart.



Donna Logan

Director, Italian Studies in Tuscany & Experiential Learning in Procida
Phone: (585) 275-7532

A long-standing resident of Italy, Donna became our on-site director in Arezzo in 1997.  She coordinates all organizational, logistic 以及“托斯卡纳的意大利网赌论坛有哪些”和“托斯卡纳岛上的体验式学习”的代表性方面 Procida programs.  Moreover,她致力于跨文化交流和理解. Herlove story with Italy began during a semester abroad. Years later, she’s still t在这里发现关于意大利人生活的故事,并爱上了他们 again and again. Her work as director of our faculty-led programs in Italy is a natural way for her to share these stories with others. 

Jen O’Neil

Enrollment & Special Programs Manager
Phone: (585) 274-0411

Jen在国外教育领域工作了5年多,从事出国前和再入教育项目. 珍第一次体验国际旅行是在圣地亚哥留学的时候, 然后在西班牙南部生活了六年,从事ESL和课程开发工作. Jen喜欢通过舞蹈来了解其他文化,并涉足萨尔萨舞, tango, bangra and flamenco. 她期待着继续她的全球之旅,帮助学生在每一个跨文化的经历中充分发挥学习潜力. 珍与我们的交流伙伴和网赌论坛有哪些的全球访问者密切合作.

Ava Gervan

Event and Student Engagement Coordinator
Phone: (585) 275-8882

艾娃于2021年12月从网赌论坛有哪些理工学院毕业. 她最近加入了网赌论坛有哪些社区,很高兴能帮助学生探索所有可用的海外教育机会. Ava has always been passionate about travel, taking family vacations every year, but would love to travel more outside of the country; next on her list is Ireland.  Ava serves as the point of contact for student engagement, planning events and marketing for the Center for Education Abroad.