
每年都会制定部门标准,以确定如何向参加大学先修课程(AP)考试的学生授予学分或安置, which are usually given during the student’s senior year in high school.

这些课程学分可以在主修或副科允许的情况下用于满足学位要求. AP学分不能用于完成主要写作要求或学院的任何课程. 另外, AP学分不能用于超过学院允许的加速毕业 招生政策.


具有AP考试成绩的学生受所述政策中概述的学分限制(16学分)的限制 credit 和 placement by examination page.

大学咨询服务中心(CCAS)会通知学生先修学分。. Those wishing to discuss AP credit should 接触cca. 学生也可以 request reports online.

Policy for the Class of 2028
课程分数Credit 和/or Placement
African 和 African-American Studies
African American Studies
(exam offered beginning 2025)
4 or 5Four credits in African 和 African-American Studies awarded. 选择主修或辅修非洲和非裔美国人网赌论坛有哪些的学生可以用这个学分完成一门100级的选修课程. 这个学分不能代替必修的100级入门课程.
艺术历史4 or 5Credit awarded after consultation with department.
艺术工作室4 or 5在完成100级课程并获得“B”或更好成绩后,最多可获得四个工作室艺术学分.
生物学4 or 5Four credits of elective biology awarded. 不适合主修. 学生 are eligible for placement in BIOL 112/113.
化学4 or 5Award four credits for CHEM 131. 有资格在秋季注册化学171或在春季注册化学132. 学生 taking CHEM 131 will forfeit AP/IB credit.
计算机科学 Principles4 or 5CSC 172实习. Four credits granted for CSC 171. Note that CSC 171 uses the Java programming language. CSC 172 和 later CSC courses assume familiarity with Java. 没有在AP计算机科学原理中学习Java的学生,如果他们没有参加CSC 171,将被期望获得这些知识. 任何不确定是否准备CSC 172的学生都应该咨询指导老师.
计算机科学A4 or 5CSC 172实习. Four credits of advanced placement credit granted for CSC 171.
Earth 和 Environmental Science
Earth 和 Environmental Science4 or 5EESC 103学分.
微观经济学4 or 5Credit for ECON 108 for 4 or 5 in 微观经济学 + 3, 4, 5 in 宏观经济学.
宏观经济学3, 4, or 5见上图.
Language 和 Composition4 or 5没有信用. 看到 primary writing requirement.
英国文学4 or 5完成英语系开设的文学课程,成绩达到B或以上, four hours of elective 英语 credit will be awarded (not for major). 学生如有疑问,可向本科英语专业主任咨询.
American, European, or World 历史5Elective credit granted for score of 5 on the American 历史, 欧洲历史上, or World 历史 exams. A maximum of four credits in 历史 will be awarded. Credit cannot be used to satisfy the geographical, 按时间顺序排列, or area of focus requirements in major/minor.
人文地理4 or 5Four credits in Anthropology awarded. 主修或辅修人类学的学生可以用这个学分完成一门100级的选修课程. This credit will not substitute for ANTH 101.

4 or 5
不授予AP学分. Student will be placed in MATH 161.

AP credit for MATH 161. Student will be placed in MATH 162 or 171.

4 or 5
AP credit for MATH 161. Student will be placed in MATH 162 or 171.

AP credit for MATH 161 和 162. 学生将被安排在数学164,165,或者,在特殊情况下,在数学173. 选择注册数学171的学生将获得数学162的4个AP学分. 否则,学生将获得两个学期的先修学分.

注意: 获得数学161 AP学分的学生可以注册数学162或171. 数学171特别推荐给对数学感兴趣的学生, 物理, 或者是理论工程师,他们想深入了解微积分是如何以及为什么如此有效地工作的.

For more information on math placement policies, visit the Department of 数学 website.

Modern Languages And Cultures

Potential placement by department into CHIN 151, 完成第151门课程,成绩达到B+或以上,可获得第102门课程学分.

Potential placement by department into CHIN 152, 成绩达到B+或以上,完成第152科学业,可获第151科学分.
French (Literature 和 Languages)4 or 5Placement by department in FREN 200. 完成fren200课程并取得“A-”或以上成绩,可获fren153学分.
German (Literature 和 Languages)4 or 5Placement by department in 152 or 200. Credit granted for 151 upon completion of 152 with grade of “B+” or better. Credit granted for 151 和 152 upon completion of 200 with “B+” or better.

Placement by department in ITAL 152. 完成ital152课程,成绩达到B+或以上,可获得ital151学分

Placement by department in ITAL 200. 完成ital200并取得“B+”或以上成绩,可获得ital151和ital152学分

Potential placement into JPNS 152, credit granted for 151 upon completion of 152 with grade of B+ or higher.

Potential placement into JPNS 201, Credit for 151 和 152 with completion of 201 with grade B+ or higher.
注意: The actual placement is subject to the result of the placement test. All students are required to take our placement test, 和 the credit granted will be adjusted according to the actual placement. 如果学生没有进入JPNS 152或更高级别,则不授予学分.
Spanish (Literature 和 Languages)4

Placement by department in SPAN 152. 完成SPAN 152课程且成绩达到“B+”或以上,可获得SPAN 151学分.

Placement by department in SPAN 200. 完成SPAN 200课程且成绩达到“B+”或以上,可获得SPAN 151和SPAN 152学分.
注意: 所有学生都必须参加MLC部门网站上提供的分班考试. 学生的实际课程安排取决于分班考试的结果以及其他因素,包括先前学习的年数, 在国外的时间, or whether the language is spoken at home. 以前学习的学分将根据实际安置情况进行调整. 如果学生没有进入SPAN 152或200课程,将不被授予学分. 
音乐理论4 or 5理科110学分. 看到 department for placement.

有条件的信贷 granted for PHYS 113 or PHYS 121. Can be placed into PHYS 114, PHYS 122, or 142年的今天1.

Credit granted for PHYS 113 or PHYS 121, 和 students can be placed into PHYS 114, PHYS 122或142年的今天1.

有条件的信贷2 授予PHYS 122. Can be placed into PHYS 123 or PHYS 1431.

物理114学分, conditional credit for PHYS 122, 和 students can be placed into PHYS 123 or PHYS 1431.
测试B(一般)5Four general college hour credits; these credits cannot be used to satisfy any of the requirements for the PHYS/ASTR major or minor.
物理 1 (Mechanics)5Four general college hour credits; these credits cannot be used to satisfy any of the requirements for the PHYS/ASTR major or minor.
物理 2 (Electromagnetism)5Four general college hour credits; these credits cannot be used to satisfy any of the requirements for the PHYS/ASTR major or minor.

1 Placement into honors sequence courses PHYS 141, 142年的今天, 和 PHYS 143 requires permission of the instructor.
2 有条件学分是指如果学生所选课程的成绩至少达到B-,则可以获得学分.
信贷: 学生可以通过物理1和2考试获得普通选修学分,也可以通过物理C或B获得课程同等学分, 不是两个. 
注意: 学生 who will be pursuing a 物理 or 物理 和 astronomy degree, 和 who receive AP credit for PHYS 121, are still strongly encouraged to take PHYS 141 regardless of their AP score. 学生 with questions about AP credit should see the 部门的网站 or the director of undergraduate studies.

Comparative Government 和 Politics or US Government 和 Politics4 or 5Four credits in political science for either exam. No additional credit if both exams are taken. 详细信息请参见 international relationspolitical science major 页面.

4 or 5
101年心理学 不再 waived for a score of 3.

Religion 和 Classics
拉丁4 or 5LATN 102学分.
注意: 完成第二次拉丁语考试并获得4或5分的学生在完成103或以上的拉丁语课程并获得“B”或更好的成绩后,可获得LATN 208学分.
统计数据4 or 5Credit awarded for 统计212.

注意: 学生 can earn credit for only one of the following courses: STAT 211, 统计212, 统计213, [j]. 希望获得统计213学分的学生应该通过与统计课程的安排来安排参加统计等效考试.
