
Entering students must establish competence in writing clear argumentative essays at the college level through the primary writing requirement. 通常, students fulfill the primary writing requirement by completing WRT 105/105E: 推理 和写作 in the College with a grade of “C” or better. 看到 Writing, 说话, and Argument Program’s (WSAP) 主要写作要求页 for a complete list of ways to fulfill this requirement.

学生 accepted into the dual degree program between the Eastman School of Music and the College satisfy this requirement by completing either WRT 105/105E 或WRT 105A&B. 看到 WSAP的课程页面 查看每门课程的描述.  

学生通过考试被学院录取 学术英语课程(EAPP) fulfill the requirement by earning a grade of “C” or better in WRT 103: EAPP Critical 阅读, 推理, 和写作, WRT 104: EAPP网赌论坛有哪些, 阅读, 和写作.

To be prepared for the upper-level writing requirement in the major, students are expected to satisfy the primary writing requirement by the end of the first year of study. Transfer students are expected to complete the primary writing requirement by the end of their first semester. 


WSAP does not approve students adding a WRT 105/105E course after the first two weeks of the semester unless there are extenuating circumstances.

学生 who want to change their registration from WRT 105 or 关于105 e to WRT 105A can do so with the permission of the WSAP director up until the end of the eighth week of the semester. Such requests will be processed as registration corrections, allowing students to drop WRT 105/E and add WRT 105A.


学生 who believe they are already proficient college writers can petition to satisfy the primary writing requirement by taking a 网赌论坛有哪些 course other than WRT 105 by submitting an 网上代用品请愿书.

A student whose petition is accepted can satisfy the writing requirement by achieving a “B” or above in a course with a significant writing component, which usually includes several short papers throughout the semester, 一篇重要的期末论文, 根据老师的反馈进行修改. 该课程必须获得WSAP的批准. 学生 should request and receive approval 之前 参加课程.

WRT 105,105e或WRT 105A&B不能在集群中使用. A course approved as a substitute for WRT 105 or 关于105 e may be used in a cluster if listed as an approved course in that cluster or approved by the department to be included as an exception within an existing cluster. These same considerations would also apply to interdepartmental clusters approved by the Committee for Individualized Interdepartmental 项目.

A course substituting for WRT 105, 关于105 e 或WRT 105A&B may be used to fulfill requirements for a major or minor providing the course is approved as an acceptable substitute by both the Writing, 说话, and Argument Program and the sponsoring department. Any course accepted as a substitute for WRT 105, 关于105 e, 或WRT 105A&B may not be used to satisfy the Upper Level Writing Requirement for any major.

学生只能请愿一次, are expected to do so during the first semester of matriculation, and cannot do so after already attempting to complete WRT 105, 关于105 e, 或WRT 105A&B.


学生 who have not completed the primary writing requirement or demonstrated how they plan to complete the requirement 对WSAP by the fall semester of their sophomore year will have a registration hold placed on their student account. This hold will prevent them from registering for the spring semester.


Transfer students who wish to use a writing course they have completed elsewhere to satisfy Rochester’s primary writing requirement need to complete and submit an 网上转让申请 对WSAP.

Repeat Course Policy for WRT 105 and 105E, 105A&B

The “repeated course” policy of the faculty stipulates that the second grade earned (which may or may not be higher than the first) is calculated into the grade point average and the first grade (and credit, if any) is removed from the calculation of the grade point average.

通过WRT 105/105E或WRT 105A的学生&B the first time but need to repeat it to earn a grade of C or better can request to keep the credit from the first course and earn an additional four credits when they repeat the course. The grades from both courses are included in the grade point average. 学生 who want this option must go to the 大学咨询服务中心 to fill out a special form by the drop/add deadline of the semester in which they repeat the course.

看到 复读课程页面 了解更多信息.