
We are always looking for 社区 partners to collaborate with in our efforts to 发现 transformative solutions 和 create equitable social change in the Rochester 社区 和 beyond. 通过与社区参与中心合作, 你的组织可以从网赌论坛有哪些的资源中受益, 还有能量, 专业知识, 以及我们高度投入的学生群体的创新思维. You can also connect to faculty members seeking collaborators for their teaching 和 research.

我们寻求在艺术方面整合大学的资源和力量, 社会科学, 自然科学, 工程, 人力资本, 和 operational capacity—with the assets of communities beyond campus to build capacity 和 social capital, 和 to strengthen 社区 resiliency to address challenges 和 advance equity.

We underst和 these partnerships to be reciprocal 和 mutually beneficial: students 和 faculty members gain real-world insights through their collaboration with non-academic 社区 partners, 以及个人和职业发展. 除了, the University benefits institutionally through these partnerships toward its mission to learn, 发现, 治愈, 创造——并让世界变得更美好. 最后, we strive to ensure that our partnerships are beneficial to the 社区 和 strengthen individual organizations 和 contribute to improving outcomes in the communities beyond campus.


We offer a variety of programs that work with local 社区 partners to help enrich the lives of 网赌论坛有哪些 students 和 strengthen our connection to the local 社区. If you see a program that you believe would be a good fit for your organization, 请透过电邮联络我们 社区.engagement@sh-fyz.com.


We support faculty in cultivating 社区 partnerships for their teaching 和 research. We also administer the certificate of achievement for 社区-engaged learning, which allows students to gain recognition for completing 社区-engaged coursework as well as a capstone project carried out in collaboration with a 社区 partner organization.



网赌论坛有哪些青年年 is an AmeriCorps VISTA-sponsored year of service that matches recent graduates with 社区 agencies to create, 扩大, or sustain initiatives that alleviate the effects of poverty on Rochester youth 和 家庭. The fellows work full time for a full year to create sustainable systems, 流程, 和 infrastructure for their partner organization to more efficiently 和 effectively provide 社区 support. 



网赌论坛有哪些城市网赌论坛有哪些员 is a ten-week summer program that mobilizes undergraduate students to carry out projects in partnership with local 社区 organizations, while also learning about social issues relevant to Rochester through weekly seminar-style discussions led by faculty members 和 社区 leaders. 学生们还会参加其他社区活动.



威尔逊的一天 was created to increase students’ awareness 和 knowledge of the local 社区 和 to introduce 社区 engagement as an important part of the undergraduate experience at Rochester. Students visit various partner organizations to carry out projects such as helping teachers prepare for the start of school, 在社区花园工作, 在非营利中心重新粉刷. Our primary event takes place in late August each year during Welcome Week for new students, but programming continues throughout the academic year on a smaller scale.



We facilitate partnerships that allow students to pursue paid employment opportunities with local non-profit organizations 和 public agencies that address issues in the public interest. We usually choose to partner with organizations that focus on early childhood reading 和 math literacy, but may address other issues of vital importance to the local 社区.


  • 飞跃Roc阅读伙伴, both of which engage students to work with children to improve literacy outcomes
  • 之旅, where students serve as academic coaches 和 social mentors for students with intellectual 和 developmental disabilities to make the University a more inclusive environment


The University has more than 20 student-led organizations whose missions focus on 社区 engagement. Some of them have been leading successful partnerships for decades, while others are new efforts. The Center serves as an advocate for these student organizations 和 can help connect them to new 社区 partners whose missions align with theirs.



CCE maintains a web portal for 社区 organizations to present one-off or ongoing volunteer opportunities for students. Submissions to this portal are reviewed to ensure that they align with the capabilities of students, 和 then are published 和 promoted to students 和 other University stakeholders as appropriate.
