
如需了解具体的课程要求,请参阅您的 程序的页面 或者和你的导师谈谈. 以下是关于:



注册必须在上课第一天起两周内完成, 否则将收取逾期注册费. 登记必须在下午4点前完成.m. 报名截止日期当天. 访问GEPA学术日历注册截止日期和详细信息. 

所有 获得教学或网赌论坛有哪些助理奖学金的学生 must register for at least nine credit hours (but not more than twelve credit hours) in order to be considered full-time.

没有获得助学金的学生 must register for at least twelve credit hours (but not more than sixteen credit hours) in order to maintain full-time status. This also includes holders of fellowships and traineeships who are not teaching or department assistants.

有关如何注册的更多信息,请访问 大学注册处网站.


参考 AS&egepa日历 或者是 退款进度 具体的注册和退款期限. 截止日期也将由学术记录管理员通过电子邮件发送,并包含在AS中&网赌论坛有哪些生每周通讯.


课程设置可能会在开课前发生变化. 去 课程表 获取最新信息.

一定要查看课程的具体先决条件要求. Instructors who include this restriction believe that it is essential for you to have completed the prerequisite course(s).


所有被录取的网赌论坛有哪些生必须使用 你的学生 注册. 网赌论坛有哪些生至少修满9个学分才被视为全日制学生.

联系你的 部门协调员 as well as your advisor to be sure you are registering f或者是 correct courses before starting online registration.


Matriculated graduate students must maintain continuous registration (fall and spring) until they are awarded degrees, 退出学位课程, 或者被大学从学位课程中除名. Students maintain continuous registration by registering for credit courses or one of the following courses: 985, 895, 995, 899, 或999(见下文定义).


在某些情况下, it may be desirable for a full-time matriculated graduate student to engage in study or research for a limited period of time at another university, 网赌论坛有哪些机构, or scholarly institution and 注册 for appropriate graduate credit at the 网赌论坛有哪些. 所有此类请求必须以书面形式提出,并事先得到GEPA办公室的批准. 在这种情况下,禁止全职工作. 看到我们的 缺席学习政策 了解更多信息.


Matriculated graduate students who have not completed course and credit requirements f或者是ir degree, and who have been granted a leave of absence upon the recommendation of their departments, 并得到AS的批准&网赌论坛有哪些生教育和博士后事务主任应注册985人.

本课程零学时,没有强制性健康费用. 注册费是统一的$80, 每个学期的请假必须在注册截止日期前收到. 请注意,本课程不会延迟学生贷款, 因为它不是兼职注册. Students in this category in the spring semester cannot defend dissertations in the summer. 看到我们的 休假政策 了解更多信息.

895 -继续硕士入学

"Plan A" master's degree students who have received written permission from the dean of graduate studies n 艺术, 科学 and Engineering to complete the master's dissertation while not in residence and not working full-time on the dissertation should register for 895. 完成所有必修课程的“B计划”硕士生, 但并不是所有的学位要求, 并且没有全职工作来完成学位要求, 必须注册895吗.

本课程零学时,没有强制性健康费用. 注册费是统一的. 请注意,本课程不会延迟学生贷款, 因为它不是兼职注册. 此课程注册后无法取得更新后的身份证.

899 -硕士论文

"Plan A" master's degree candidates who have completed all requirements f或者是 degree (except the dissertation) and 谁在全职写论文 should register for 899. 需要学生指导老师的姓名. 完成所有必修课程的“B计划”硕士生, 但并不是所有的学位要求, 并且没有全职工作来完成学位要求, 必须注册895吗.

本课程学分为零,但被视为全日制注册. 注册费是统一的. The mandatory health fee must be paid and student loans may be deferred when registering for this course.


PhD students who have received written permission from the dean of graduate studies n 艺术, 科学 and Engineering to complete the doctoral dissertation while not in residence and not working full-time on the dissertation should register for 995.

本课程零学时,没有强制性健康费用. 注册费是统一的. 请注意,本课程不会延迟学生贷款, 因为它不是兼职注册. 本次课程注册无法获得更新后的身份证.

999 -博士论文

PhD students who have completed all of the requirements f或者是 degree (except the dissertation) and are in residence as full-time students should register for 999. 需要学生指导老师的姓名.

PhD students who have completed all of the requirements f或者是 degree (except the dissertation), 谁在全职写论文, 并经系和艺术网赌论坛有哪些生院院长许可, 科学和工程专业的学生将在其他地方居住, 应该注册999A还是999B. (见 缺席学习)

博士网赌论坛有哪些生应每学期注册,并缴纳注册费. 当最后两份论文的修改稿上交时, 学生有资格获得本学期学费的退款,以便继续入学, according to the same schedule used f或者是 health fee: 75 percent during the first calendar month, 第二个日历月是50%, 在本学期的第三个日历月,25%.

本课程学分为零,但被视为全日制注册. 注册费是统一的. The mandatory health fee must be paid and student loans may be deferred when registering for this course.


Change of time status requires approval from the dean of graduate education and postdoctoral affairs.


University policy requires that students be current in payment of all tuition and fees prior to the beginning of each academic term. Students who have a delinquent balance at the time of registration will not be permitted 注册 f或者是 upcoming term. 如果您有逾期未付的余额,您需要与银行结清 财务主管的办公室. 你需要获得许可才能注册下学期的课程.

如果您的帐户在下学期开始时仍处于财务冻结状态, 财务处可向财务助理询问&网赌论坛有哪些生教育和博士后事务主任 to withdraw you for financial reasons. 财务冻结也会阻止你的成绩单和文凭的发布. 学生访问将使您能够检查您的财务持有帐户.


Both full- and part-time students are allowed to audit courses in related degree programs.* Audited courses appear on students’ transcript if the student attends throughout the course. 希望获得该课程学分的学生可以通过以下方式获得学分:

  • Changing the registration in the Graduate Studies Office prior to the end of the third full week of classes in a given semester.
  • 支付课程所需的学费.

*费用适用于. 艺术, 科学 and Engineering may decide to pay the fee for PhD student with the approval of the student's faculty advisor and the AS&网赌论坛有哪些生教育和博士后事务主任.

看到我们的 旁听课程政策 了解更多信息.


学生可以在网上退课和加课,直到网上注册结束, 之后必须使用删除/添加表单. 网上注册的确切截止日期, final registration and course withdrawal are set each semester by the University Registrar and listed on the GEPA Academic calendar.

在线注册: 网上注册期结束前(每学期第二周结束前), 网赌论坛有哪些生可以无记录退课, 通过UR学生.

  • 在线放弃的课程将获得100%的学费退还.
  • 学生必须保持适当的时间状态.e. full-time or part-time) as required by their program, visa restrictions or financial aid status. 国际学生不需要, 在一般情况下, 被允许放弃全日制课程.

无记录掉落: 最后注册日期前(每学期第四周结束前), 网赌论坛有哪些生可以无记录退课, 通过向GEPA办公室提交添加/删除表格.

  • Courses dropped after the end of online registration will be subject to the tuition 退款进度 posted below.
  • 学生必须保持适当的时间状态.e. full-time or part-time) as required by their program, visa restrictions or financial aid status. 国际学生不需要, 在一般情况下, be permitted to drop courses below a full-time load.

删除记录(“W”): 最后退课日期前(每学期第12周结束前), 学生可以申请放弃有记录的课程.e. 成绩为“W”),通过向GEPA办公室提交课程撤销申请.

  • Courses dropped after the end of online registration will be subject to the tuition 退款进度 posted below.
  • 在一般情况下, 在最后注册日期之后,从有记录(“W”)的课程中退出, 不应该影响学生报告的时间状况吗. 然而, students are encouraged to contact ISO and/or Financial Aid to ensure that they are fulfilling the requirements of their program, 签证和经济援助状况.
  • 在特殊情况下, the dean of graduate education and postdoctoral affairs may approve dropping a course without record after the final registration date. 对情况的审查由适当的书面请愿书发起.


教学天数1-10 = 100%退款

教学日11-20 = 75%退款

教学天数21-25 = 50%退款

教学日26-30 = 25%退款

教学日31日结束= 0%退款

This policy defines the institutional tuition refund when a student voluntarily withdraws (drops) from any course(s) during a period of enrollment while remaining enrolled. 以上学费退还时间表适用于个别课程. 本政策不适用于自愿或非自愿退学的学生, 请个假, 或者进入非活动状态. 有关这些类型操作的详细信息,请访问 注册商策略页面.


  • 日期及期限
  • 个人信息:姓名、学生证号码、电话
  • 学历:学校、年级、专业/学位
  • 动作:添加、删除或退出
  • 课程:CRN,学科领域,编号,学时,审核,职称
  • 签字和/或批准