
Parents and families are important partners during a student’s transition to living independently on campus. We’ve pulled together the answers to some common questions and concerns that parents and families have during the first year your student will be living on campus.


驻地顾问(RAs), 还有一年级学生和D 'Lions, are important resources for first-year students to help acclimate them to life living on-campus, 一般来说,我在大学里, 成为上流社会的榜样和导师.

他们的主要职能是管理(帮助办理登记手续), 室友协议, 入住率验证, 楼会议, 以及其他重要的文书工作), 为他们的楼层和大楼规划和实施项目, 向住院医生推荐校园资源, 并从晚上8点开始轮流担任其他助理助理.m.-8 a.m. 我们称之为“值班”或随叫随到,他们对紧急情况做出反应, 帮助那些被锁在外面的学生, and complete building rounds to ensure the buildings are secured and any facilities issues are called in.

Residents can expect to get regular emails from their RAs (about important things they need to do, 即将到来的项目, 或者只是签到),以及定期在大厅里看到他们的RA. RAs也是学生, 所以他们中的许多人都非常积极地参与学术活动和课外活动, 有些人甚至还从事其他工作, however residents should always know how to 联系 their RA or the RA on duty if they need assistance.

助教不需要在他们的楼层24/7回应学生的问题. 我们有一个RA随叫随到的系统,还有公共安全部门来协助紧急情况. 欢迎学生联系他们的宿舍主任预约非紧急支援.

Fellows and D’Lions are leaders on the floor however are not considered employees and have very specified tasks and a job description that is much smaller than the RAs. 而网赌论坛有哪些员和dlion是活跃的和编程的成员, residents should not expect the same type of availability as an RA or a professional staff member.

如果父母或家庭成员有顾虑,我们鼓励您提出 联系你的学生所在地区的办公室 与专业工作人员交谈,而不是直接联系RA, 网赌论坛有哪些员, or D’Lion as they are student leaders whose primary job is to be a peer mentor to other students.


如果家长或家庭成员对学生有担忧,我们鼓励您提出 联系你的学生所在地区的办公室 与专业工作人员交谈. 我们要求你 直接联系任何学生领袖,如助教、网赌论坛有哪些员或D 'Lions. 我们可以传递信息给学生或派人去敲他们的门.


We do recommend coming up with a communication plan before your student’s arrival on campus (i.e. 每周日打个电话,如果手机丢了怎么办等等.),这样你和你的学生都知道如何避免这些类型的担忧.


如果你的学生正在努力适应,有很多选择, 和室友一起, 或者其他任何东西. 你可以打电话给学生所在地区的办公室,让他们知道发生了什么. 我们可以为您提供告诉学生的选择, 派一名工作人员去检查学生的情况, 或者只是获取信息来密切关注.

您也可以提交一个 保健咨询 给你的学生 or 联系 家长及家庭关系 获取其他支持.


我们办公室不经营校园内的邮件服务, 因此,有关邮件的具体信息,请参阅 邮件中心网站.

如果你希望有东西直接送到大厅(鲜花,蛋糕等).) please note that these vendors will not be able to access the student’s hall as they are all secured with card access. 虽然你可能希望这是个惊喜, you will need to provide the student’s phone number so the vendor can call them to retrieve the item. The 区域办事处 are not equipped to take a hold mail of any kind for students so these types of deliveries will need to be made directly to the student or to the mail center.


Move in and move out information is emailed to the student and available online at least a month in advance but here are some good rules of thumb:

学生通常可以在第一天上课前几天搬进来. Only incoming first-year and transfer students during August (or January if your student starts in January) move in are given a specific move in time. All subsequent move ins there will be a date on our calendar that returning students are able to start moving in and students can move in at any point after that date.

Every year has the following breaks: fall break, thanksgiving break, winter break, and spring break. Only winter break requires all students to sign up for winter stay housing or leave campus and only some buildings are open for 打破住房 所以没有住在这些宿舍的学生需要暂时搬到那里.

In December and May all students not signed up for 打破住房 or summer housing must move out 48 hours after their last finals. 教师有时会在教学大纲中提供这些 注册的页面 所有课程也会提前发布. 因工作需要加班的学生, 毕业典礼, 或体育运动, must request this from their Area Office (directions on how to request this are typically emailed out three to five weeks in advance from the area coordinator.


Please ensure you and your student are reading the full housing contract and student code of conduct. 学生可以在他们的房间里评估损坏费用, 在他们的楼层或大厅的公共区域损坏账单, 违反行为政策的行为费用, 登记不当, 不正确或延迟退房, 房间更换不当, 锁更改丢失的钥匙, 等.

如果你对收费有疑问, check the contract or student code of conduct and feel free to call the Area Office or office that assessed the fee for questions. Keep in mind that a student’s personal information cannot be shared without their consent however our 区域办事处 are more than happy to explain how a fee could be assessed or what a fee could be for without sharing a student’s personal details or situations.


Know that adjusting to living with one or even two roommate is one of the many transitions your student is going through. We require all first-year students to complete a Shared Living Agreement with their roommate(s) during orientation however it is not uncommon for the things that students write in that agreement so early on to need to be revisited after a few weeks or months. 不是所有室友都能成为好朋友, but many people can live well together after they have set the right boundaries and learn to respect each other’s space and living. RAs, ghr和区域协调员都在那里提供帮助.

一有麻烦的迹象, 我们希望学生们能联系到他们的RA,这样我们就能给他们一些建议, 重新审视一下共同生活协议, 如果需要,也可以找室友调解. 如果愿意的话,室友调解是有效的. Keep in mind that sometimes this work needs to be ongoing as a compromised reached may not be realistic or working for one or more parties but keeping the RA informed and letting them help is half the battle.

如果还是不行,我们可以讨论一下换房间的机会. 请注意,第一年的住房通常有一些产能过剩的空间, 可能没有房间可以搬进去. 这绝不是第一步,但始终是一种选择.

使用第一年 换房申请表 要求换房间. The 换房申请表 provides an opportunity to indicate preferences and special requests. 每个学期的方向和流程都写在表格上. Read it carefully and be sure you understand the steps and return the form via email (as a .PDF)至表格上的地址. 我们将尽最大努力为您提供符合您要求的更改.

学生有48小时的时间来决定接受或拒绝新作业. 未在规定期限内作出决定的,要约撤销. 如果学生多次拒绝,他们可能会从房间更换名单中删除. Room changes are reviewed on a rolling basis throughout the school year and through the summer (for returning students), 当职位空缺出现时. First-year students are not able 要求换房间 until classes begin in the fall semester.


No, all visitors will be asked to leave your residence hall; however, 这个地区有几家旅馆可以接待这些人.


访问ation for the residence halls are established by the 住宿生活办公室 and 住房服务 and are intended for academic and healthy socializing. 探视不是为过夜同居或长期停留而设计的. 请查看每个区域的详细信息.