测试# 2


  1. You are working on a computer lab at a public work station. 完成你的工作, 存到你的u盘里,然后离开, forgetting to delete your work from the work station. Another student in your class comes along, finds your file and turns it in as her own. Are you responsible for academic dishonesty?
  1. 你在一间大教室里做期中考试,你带的一些笔记从你放好的座位底下滑了出来. Can you be charged with academic dishonesty?
  1. 你问你的导师她是否愿意读一篇一周内要交的文章的草稿. 你的文章包含了你在文章中使用的二手资料的释义,但还没有标记为其他人的观点. 你觉得这样没问题, since this is a draft of the essay and not the final copy you plan to turn in. Is this considered academic dishonesty?
  1. 你的老师给你写了一封电子邮件,说他认为你可能在他的课上有学术不诚实的行为. 你惊慌失措,退出了课程. You are later called before the Board on 学术诚实. At the hearing, you are shocked to learn that you have been reinstated in the class. Are you still responsible for finishing the class?
  1. 你报了一个两学分的舞蹈班. 除了 learning different kinds of movement, you also have to write a five-page essay on a topic assigned by the instructor. 你在你的文章中使用了很多来自互联网的材料,却没有时间去正确地引用它. 你觉得这样没问题 since most of the grade is based on your dance performance. 除了, 这只是一门两学分的舞蹈课,并不是一门真正的学术课程,老师也没有说任何关于引用的事情. 你有抄袭的负罪感吗?
  1. You ask a friend, who is a good writer, to look over your paper. She is happy to help and finds many awkward 短语 and ambiguous assertions, 她会帮你重写吗. She even develops a few new arguments to help support your thesis. 你很高兴,因为她能够清楚而有说服力地表达你一直想说的话. 这是学术上的不诚实吗??
  1. You need a permission code to get into a lab section. 你的教练会给你密码, which you share with a friend who wants to be in the same section. Can you be charged with academic dishonesty?
  1. 你注意到,你课堂上的论文作业就像你为另一门课写的一样. You change the cover sheet and a few sentences in the introduction and turn it in. This is okay because it is your own work, right?
  1. 你的老师允许合作完成家庭作业,鼓励学习小组,但仍然希望你自己完成作业. You and two friends discuss the problem and work through it together. Portions of your final work are identical, 但这应该没问题, 因为大部分工作都是你自己做的. Can you be charged with academic dishonesty?
  1. You are shocked to see that you received a failing grade in your literature class. You thought you were doing quite well and had a “B” average for the class. When you contact your instructor to find out why you failed, he confronts you with evidence that you plagiarized portions of your last essay. “Any student who plagiarizes in my class, fails,” he tells you. “没有例外.“事情就到此为止了吗?
  1. 你的一个好朋友很绝望. He is in danger of failing the biology class you are both in. If he fails, he will be placed on academic probation. 他知道你是一名优秀的学生,并要求你参加下次考试,这样他就可以看到你的答案. It’s the only way he’ll pass the class. 他的要求使你不舒服, 但, since you’re not the one copying answers, you figure you will not be charged with academic dishonesty. 你是对的吗??
  1. 你在上高级语言课,在写作文时被难住了,所以你用英语写了一些句子,并使用互联网上的自动翻译程序来帮助你. 这没关系,因为这就像用字典一样,老师说字典是允许的. 这在学术上是诚实的吗?


  1. 可能. 学生 have the responsibility of protecting their work from being used dishonestly. If another student makes use of your work even without your knowledge, you may still bear some responsibility for inadvertently helping another student to cheat. 你的责任或免责将取决于你在保护你的工作方面的疏忽程度. 当然, 如果一个学生不顾你所有合理的预防措施,不遗余力地窃取你的成果, you would not be found responsible for aiding a dishonest act. However, you should always keep your work to yourself as much as possible. Lending a friend a paper so that he can use it as a guide to writing his own, 例如, may implicate you in academic dishonesty if your friend uses your ideas, 短语, 或者他论文中的段落, even if you never encouraged him to do so. It is never wise to share your work with others when collaboration is not allowed, 以可复制的形式分享完成的作业是违反学术诚信政策的.
  1. 是的. 违禁品存放不当, 课程材料, 并在考试期间学习辅助工具,使其可以访问或查看是违反学术诚信政策的. 一定要确保你带去考试的笔记或学习辅助工具都安全地放在密封的袋子里,远离别人的视线.
  1. 是的. You are responsible for correctly citing all ideas, 短语, and passages taken from other authors wherever they occur in your work, 甚至在你的论文草稿中. Failure to do so is plagiarism, a violation of the 学术诚信政策.
  1. 是的,几乎在所有情况下都是如此. Once a charge of academic dishonesty has been brought, 你必须继续注册这门课,除非案件通过以下两种方式之一得到解决:
    1. If you have signed an Instructor Resolution Warning Letter offered by your instructor, 一旦警告信被学术诚信委员会批准,你可以放弃或退出该课程.
    2. 如果你在听证会后被董事会免除责任,那么你可以退学或退出这门课程. 如果你在你的案件解决之前退出,或者在你被认定有责任后退出,根据教练决议和处罚程序或董事会决议程序, 你将被复职.
不管在教授指责你不诚实的课程上呆下去有多难, you must continue to attend class and fulfill all class obligations.
  1. 是的. You are responsible for correctly citing all ideas, 短语, and passages taken from other authors wherever they occur in your work, 甚至在你的论文草稿中. Failure to do so is plagiarism, a violation of the 学术诚信政策.
  1. 是的. It is a good idea to have others proofread your work to identify mistakes in spelling, 标点符号, 语法和风格, unless such proofreading is expressly prohibited. But you are being dishonest for claiming authorship of any content added by your friend. 如果你的指导老师怀疑你在完成作业时接受了未经授权的帮助,她完全有权利把你交给董事会.
  1. 是的. 与其他学生共享许可代码与在官方学术文件(如删除/添加表格)上伪造签名或伪造信息相同, 请愿书, 许可书, or any other official University document and is a violation of the 学术诚信政策.
  1. No. 这被称为“重复提交”.” 学生 are expected to produce original work for all of their classes. 把另一门课的论文交上来是不诚实的,不仅因为你把它谎称为这门课的作业, 但 also because you have received a grade and critical input from your former instructor, thus giving you an unfair advantage over your classmates. Many times, however, you can use a former assignment as the basis for a new one. 与你的导师交流, 向她展示你的论文,并讨论你如何以一种能满足课堂要求的方式来发展你的工作. 最终是你的老师决定是否适合在她的课程中使用在其他班级完成的作业.
  1. 是的. 在允许合作完成评分作业的课堂上,你仍然必须自己完成作业. Always make sure you understand the extent of collaboration your instructor allows. If you are not sure, ask your instructor for clarification. 大多数教师不允许学生交相同的作业或包含相同作业的作业.
  1. No. 如果没有遵循学术诚信政策中概述的程序,任何教职员工都不能因为涉嫌不诚实而惩罚你. 教练可以通过向你出示不诚实的证据来遵循“教练处罚决议”流程, 建议处罚, referring you to the 学术诚信政策, and allowing you up to 48 hours to accept the penalty. Or he can turn the case over to the board for a hearing in a Board Resolution. 他不能独自惩罚你. 同样的道理, no faculty member can “give you a break” and overlook an instance of academic dishonesty, 因为所有大学教职员工都有义务向董事会报告可疑的不诚实行为.
  1. No. This is called “facilitating academic dishonesty” and includes aiding another person in an act that violates the standards of academic honesty; allowing other students to look at one's own work during an exam or in an assignment where collaboration is not allowed; providing information, 材料, or assistance to another person in violation of course, 部门, or College academic honesty policies; and providing false information in connection with any academic honesty inquiry.
  1. No. 使用自动翻译程序就像让朋友帮你做你的工作一样,是不诚实的.