
The public health research honors program provides selected students the opportunity to work with a faculty mentor on a year-long project that is of personal interest to them.  Students have the opportunity to gain practical skills in designing and carrying out an independent research project, 并在口头和书面交流方面继续发展他们的学术技能. 公共卫生网赌论坛有哪些荣誉项目的特点是智力参与和连贯性, 以及教育的健全和连续性.


学生必须满足所有课程资格要求, 申请公共卫生网赌论坛有哪些荣誉项目, 并收到公共卫生指导委员会(PHSC)的录取通知书.

Typically, public health majors will be invited to consider the research honors program in the summer between their sophomore and junior years based on the criteria below:

  • Students should have completed four of the five Public Health General Core courses with at least a 3.平均成绩60分
  • 学生必须拥有公共卫生专业
  • 学生应该在完成学位的过程中取得良好的进步.e. students should have completed at least two core courses specific to their public health major and at least 1 elective for their public health major
  • 学生至少要有3分.60岁,主修公共卫生

为了以网赌论坛有哪些荣誉毕业,学生必须完成荣誉课程的要求. 完成荣誉课程后, 学生可以获得荣誉学位, 以优异的成绩, 或者获得最高荣誉.



  • Students must have completed four of the five Public Helath-Related General Course courses with a 3.平均成绩60分.  五门一般核心课程必须在三年级结束前完成.
  • 学生必须已正式申报其公共卫生专业.
  • 学生的累积平均成绩必须至少达到3分.主修60.
  • 学生必须成功修满3个学分 公共卫生荣誉研讨会 over and above the credit hours required for the major (1 credit hour in PHLT 389 for the junior year (preferably in spring of junior year), 大四秋季学期PHLT 389课程1个学分, 大四春季学期PHLT 389 1个学分). PHLT 389是一门课程.
  • 学生必须成功修满7个学分 公共卫生荣誉网赌论坛有哪些 有一个经过批准的指导老师, over and above the credit hours required for the major (1 credit hour in PHLT 393 for the spring semester of their junior year, 大四秋季学期PHLT 393课程3个学分, 大四春季学期PHLT 393课程3个学分). PHLT 393是一门独立学习课程.
  • 至少修完一门荣誉课程,成绩为H.
  • 完成一篇至少达到A-的荣誉论文.

The major with research honors is awarded only to those students who specifically seek it and arrange to complete all of its requirements. Careful planning is involved in meeting these requirements, and specified deadlines must be met. 

The staff and faculty involved in the public health-related programs will assist students in any way they can, 但是,按时满足要求是学生个人的责任.


The honors thesis is an extensive and substantial report of a project completed during the junior and senior years, 但它可能部分基于在此之前完成的工作. The final version of the honors thesis is expected to be a substantive contribution to the student's field, and so the standards will be those appropriate to the public health discipline in which the student is writing.  有资格获得荣誉, 论文应该代表原创思想,或者是对一个问题的特殊概念化.  论文必须符合以下标准, as judged by the faculty advisor and by a second reader designated by the Public Health 指导委员会 (PHSC).


The thesis must be organized to answer an original question through the work done as part of the thesis project.

  • “Original” means that the question has not already been asked and answered in existing published work in the same manner as the proposed work.
  • “Answerable” means that the argument and evidence produced and presented by the student could reasonably be thought of as answering the question.

The thesis must effectively bring original evidence or argument to bear on the question that is being examined. The thesis must provide a persuasive written argument explaining to the reader how the work addresses the question posed.


  • 文集以前的学术工作中没有使用过的文献或观察资料的集合.
  • 对现有的和以前网赌论坛有哪些过的数据进行新的解释或分析.

论文必须解释它所要回答的问题与公共卫生的相关性. It must also explain how the student's original work relates to and potentially contributes to existing academic work in public health.


Astghik Baghinyan, "COVID-19, War, 和不信任:亚美尼亚的疫苗犹豫-混合方法方法"(2022年)

埃文Bushinsky, "Drinking Water as a Source of PFAS Exposure in Pregnant Women: Well Versus Municipal Water Sources in Monroe County and the City of Rochester" (2022)

夏洛特·考德威尔,《网赌论坛有哪些》?" (2022)

玛格丽特柯蒂斯, "An Ethnographic Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccination Strategies among the Latino Community in Rochester, 《网赌论坛有哪些》(2022)

玛德琳波尔多, “网赌论坛有哪些在Covid-19期间的租赁援助计划:未来的教训”(2021年)

正义Centrello, "Analysis of Persistent Organic Pollutant Concentrations in Cord Blood of Newborns in Rochester" (2021)

汉娜杰奎斯, "Emerging Populations: Fundamental Questions Surrounding Women in the 1990's AIDS Crisis" (2021)

Lilo Blank, "The Transformation of Women's Reproductive Health in the United States: An Alternative Framework for Understanding Paradigmatic Shift" (2020)

玛歌马斯腾空间, "Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses (Batten Disease): Public Health Relevance and Natural History Studies of a Group of Rare Diseases" (2020)

莫妮卡摩根, "Public Health Law Protections for Cannabidiol Consumers: An Analysis of the Food and Drug Administration's Warning Letters" (2020)

卡梅伦泰特, "The Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Crisis: Ethical Considerations and Public Health Recommendations" (2020)


悉尼戈德堡, "The Need to Maximize Minors' Involvement in Healthcare Decisions: Utilizing Tests for Medical Competency" (2019)


苏菲Turbide, 《网赌论坛有哪些》(2019)

Ann Zhang, "The Social 流行病学 of Maternal Mortality: A Rights-Centered Approach to Women's Health" (2019)

杀伤力就, "Workplace Leave Programs for Employed Family Caregivers: An Exploration of the Impacts of the New York State Paid Family Leave Act" (2018)

萨曼莎气孔, "Trauma-Informed Pathways to Prison: A Gendered Examination of Criminal Justice-Involved Women" (2018)

Makenzie病房, 《被遗忘的受害者:被监禁母亲的孩子面临的挑战, 当前可用资源和建议干预措施”(2018年)

Cita Dunn, "The Relationships Between Social and Emotional Well-Being and Cancer Clinical Trail Participation in LEO Study Participants" (2017)

Rina Yarosh, "The Psychological Outcomes of Living with Indolent Cancers: A Study of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia" (2017)