
This major has 13 required courses and one pre-requisite course. The health policy major leads to a 文学学士 度,满足 社会科学 requirement of the Rochester Curriculum.


  • Understand health policy as it relates to the organization, 融资, and provision of health care in the US, 包括它的历史和法律
  • Demonstrate how the principles of statistics, 经济学, and political science apply to health policy
  • Understand the current situation relating to population health (including environmental health), 私人保险, 医疗保险, 医疗补助计划, 长期护理, and mental health at the federal, 状态, 以及地方层面, 公共和私人
  • Understand how to apply the principles of health policy analysis to population health (including environmental health), 私人保险, 医疗保险, 医疗补助计划, 长期护理, and mental health at the federal, 状态, 以及地方层面, 公共和私人

***Beginning in spring 2024 and moving forward, PHLT 102 ‘Introduction to Public Health II' will no longer be a required course for public health majors. Moving forward, PHLT 102 will no longer be offered. 学生是 already declared as a health policy (HLP) major will continue to follow their programs as they originally declared. If a student completed PHLT 102 with the intention of using it for their intended HLP major, the undergraduate public health program will work with that student to incorporate it as part of their HLP major.


Some of these courses require prerequisites. These prerequisites are not counted toward the major.

Pre-Requisite 课程 (One Course)

ECON 108: Principles of Economics

Public Health General Core (Four 课程)

PHLT 101: Introduction to Public Health I
PHLT 103: Concepts of 流行病学
STAT 212:苹果. 统计. (有效期至2024年春季) or STAT 180: Introduction to Applied 统计istical Methodology (valid beginning fall 2024)
PHIL 228 (PHIL 228W): Public Health Ethics or PHIL 225: Ethical Decisions in Medicine

Specific 核心需求 (Four 课程)

ECON 207: Intermediate Micro经济学
HIST 373W (H): US 卫生政策 and Politics or HIST 374W (H): Pandemics, Politics, and Policies in the US
PHLT 116:美国简介.S. 卫生系统
PHLT 230:公共卫生法 & 政策

选修课(五门课程, from at least three different themes, 两个 courses must be from the 经济与政策 theme)

I. 经济与政策

  • 经济学230:经济学统计
  • 经济236:卫生经济学
  • HIST 203/HIST 203W: Childhood, Health, and the Formation of U.S. 社会政策
  • HIST 242W: Unequal, Unjust: 100 Years of Racism in American Public Health
  • PHLT 234W:  Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health
  • PSCI 105: Introduction to American Politics
  • PSCI 202W: Argument in Political Science
  • PSCI 205:数据分析2
  • PSCI 215:美国选举
  • PSCI 226:本地行动? 美国的地方政府.S.
  • PSCI 227: Designing American Democracy
  • PSCI 228: Race, Ethnicity, and American Politics
  • PSCI 235: The Policital Economy of U.S. 食品政策
  • PSCI 248:歧视
  • RELC 183 /PSCI 224: Incarceration Nation
  • 下午421U:介绍美国.S. 卫生保健系统
  • PM 445U: Introduction to Health Services 网赌论坛有哪些
  • PM 448U (H): 卫生政策 Analysis

II. 环境

  • PHIL 230(W): 环境al Justice*
  • PHLT 232: 环境卫生 政策
  • PHLT 238: 环境卫生 and Justice in the Rochester Community
  • PSCI 243: 环境al Politics 
  • PSCI 246: 环境al Law and 政策 
  • PSCI 247: Green Markets: 环境al Opportunities and Pitfalls

3. Social Studies, Humanities, and Law

  • ANTH 216:医学人类学
  • HIST 359W: Birth in the Nation: A History of Reproduction
  • 383W:疾病与社会
  • PHIL 226(W):法律哲学
  • PHIL 230(W): 环境al Justice*
  • PHLT 236:保健和法律
  • PHLT 265W:全球卫生

IV. Community engagement/internships

  • PHLT 394C: Washington Semester Internship**
  • PHLT 394F: 卫生政策 Internship**
  • PHLT 397W: Community Engagement Internship****

*PHIL 230 may count for either theme 2 or theme 3 but may not count for both theme 2 and theme 3
**Permission of the health policy faculty advisor required
***对大三学生开放, 老年人, 用5, and e5 public health majors; permission of the health policy faculty advisor required
****对大三学生开放, 老年人, 用5, and e5 public health majors

Students may use up to to 2 PHLT internship courses towards their public health major.


Students are required to register for 两个 upper-level writing courses.


Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the public health-related programs, no more than 两个 courses may overlap between a public health major and another major.

The pre-requisite course (ECON 108) and the introductory STAT course (STAT 212 or STAT 180) are not included in the course overlap.


Students are permitted (with the approval of their public health faculty advisor) to use up to 两个 transfer courses towards their public health program.

注意: 学生可以选择专业, 或者是次要的, or to complete a cluster within the Public Health-Related program, 但他们只能做一件事.