Community Kitchen

Wilson Commons Student Activities (WCSA) offers a unique opportunity to student organizations and University departments to host cooking and food-based events in the Community Kitchen in Douglass Commons (Room 406).

The space features a:

  • Gas cooktop
  • Oven
  • Warming Drawer
  • Refrigerator and freezer
  • Microwave
  • Commercial grade dishwasher
  • Two sinks (one for hand washing only)
  • 收集烹饪用品和设备
  • 用于连接个人设备的数字显示器

With seating for 24, 位于道格拉斯社区活动室对面,交通便利, 该空间是举办活动和节目的理想场所. 有关社区厨房的更多信息,请阅读社区厨房政策 Frederick Douglass Commons page.

Using the Community Kitchen

The Community Kitchen is primarily to be used for hosting small gatherings of University students, staff, and/or faculty only. However, student organizations and departments can host events that are open to the public following approval from both the University Sanitarian and the Assistant Director of Student Life Operations. 

The kitchen is equipped with a wide variety of utensils and equipment that are free to use during a reservation. You can view a full list of equipment here.

Reserving the Community Kitchen

You must be a University department or student organization in order to reserve the Community Kitchen. All reservations are done through  Virtual EMS. If you are a University department and do not know who your Virtual EMS contact is, please contact  ECM. 如果你是一个学生组织,不知道你的虚拟EMS联系人是谁, please contact 

Upcoming Trainings

The Community Kitchen Training Sign Up form 有完整的培训日期和时间列表吗. 请确保您选择一个会议后点击提交,以便我们可以计划您的出席. 如果没有人报名,课程可能会被取消.


Used the kitchen and have feedback? Email Wilson Commons Student Activities.

Community Kitchen Policy

使用社区厨房的主办机构必须遵守下面列出的所有政策. Violation of any of the below policies may result in losing the ability to reserve the space and revocation of approved user status. Exceptions to this policy may be made at the discretion of Wilson Commons Student Activities using the  exception form.

  • Reservation Process
    • All recognized University departments and student organizations on CCC can reserve and use the Community Kitchen.
    • 社区厨房活动不能直接向公众宣传.
    • The Community Kitchen is an event space and is not to be used for personal lunches or as a break room. 个人食物不能存放在厨房的冰箱里.
    • The Community Kitchen is a closed space. 要获得参加活动或下车的权限,个人可以联系大楼管理员.
      • Building managers will only open the space for confirmed reservations with an approved user present and scheduled drop-offs.
    • The Community Kitchen can be reserved through Virtual EMS using your department or student organization’s Virtual EMS contact.
      • 各部门必须至少提前8天预订厨房.
      • Student organizations must reserve the Kitchen at least 14 days in advance and must submit an activity registration through CCC.
    • 文理学院的院系和学生组织 & 工程部可以免费租用厨房. 其他学校可能需要支付租金才能使用该空间.
  • Community Kitchen Training
    • One or more members of the hosting organization must complete Community Kitchen Training to become an approved kitchen user prior to their reservation’s approval.
      • We recommend that multiple individuals complete the training and be listed on the reservation.
    • An approved kitchen user must be present at all times during the reservation (including any setup, cleanup, or prep time), 即使预订不涉及烹饪食物.
    • 厨房用户身份有效期为一年.
    • Users wishing to renew their status must attend a kitchen training (in person or online) and complete the associated quiz by the end of the month or their status expires (ex: If a user was trained in April, 2023, 他们必须在四月底之前完成新的训练课程, 2024).
    • 批准的用户必须是网赌论坛有哪些的现任教师/工作人员/学生.
    • 负责学生生活运作的副主任, 以及Wilson Commons学生活动, 保留随时撤销任何个人批准的厨房用户身份的权利.
  • Drop-off Procedures
    • If food or equipment needs to be dropped off before an event, individuals must coordinate with the  学生生活运营副主任. 此信息必须包含在初始预订请求中.
    • 食物原料必须购买并直接带到社区厨房. 食物不得存放在校园的其他区域, 如宿舍或其他部门, 并且不能在活动前存放在校外.
    • Food stored in the Community Kitchen must be properly labeled with the date of the upcoming event and the organization hosting the event. 社区厨房提供标签材料.
  • Food Safety Policies
    • 任何烹饪或准备食物的人都必须戴上提供的一次性手套.
    • 在社区厨房准备的食物必须在社区厨房供应. 唯一的例外是社区活动室(Douglass 407)。.
    • The Community Kitchen  cannotbe used for:
      • Catering events in other spaces
      • 烹饪将在厨房外供应的食物
      • Bake sales
      • Events that charge admission
    • The Community Kitchen  can用作卫生食品准备空间,以准备不涉及烹饪的食品.
    • All food brought into the Community Kitchen must come from a New York State-licensed food vendor. 未经许可的食品, 包括家庭种植的物品或社区花园, is not permitted.
    • 禁止在室内烹饪或饮用酒精饮料. The only exception to this policy is events catered by Mel Catering where Mel Catering is providing the alcohol.
    • 任何剩余的食物必须清楚地标明当前的日期和组织的名称. 剩菜必须在预订当天从厨房端出.
    • 厨房包括一个公用的干储物柜, 指定用来存放剩余的不易腐烂的物品(香料), sugar, flour, oil, etc.). Items placed in the shared dry storage must be properly sealed and labeled with the date of opening. 这个橱柜里的物品可以被任何使用社区厨房的组织使用, but availability is not guaranteed.
  • Equipment Use and Safety
    • Reservations wishing to bring in outside equipment must indicate so in the reservation request. All outside equipment must be approved by the 学生生活运营副主任 prior to the reservation.
    • There is no power to the center island and reservations are prohibited from draping cords to the island. 空间内不允许使用延长线或电源线. 有线电器只能在后面的柜台或桌子上使用.
    • 油脂不允许倒进厨房的排水管. 有一个贴有标签的油脂罐,供预订者倒剩余的油脂.
      • If a reservation has more grease than what fits in the grease jar they must call the building manager for assistance.
    • There are two sinks in the space. 较大的水槽可用于洗涤和清洁食品和设备. The smaller sink is designated for hand washing only and cannot be used for any other purpose.
    • 在厨房里用刀的人必须戴上防割手套.
      • Plastic gloves must be worn underneath and over top the cut-safe gloves to ensure they are kept clean.
    • 刀具、锅碗瓢盆必须手洗,不能用洗碗机洗.
    • 刀具必须用手洗净并擦干,然后立即放好.
    • 任何时候在使用炉灶的引擎盖风扇必须打开.
    • To avoid cross contamination the cutting board color coded system must be followed at all times.
    • 空间内的家具不能重新摆放或移动.
      • The Douglass Community Room must be reserved in addition to the Community Kitchen if a reservation needs to have movable furniture or a more flexible space.
    • 厨房里有急救箱,可以治疗轻伤, however, 所有事故和伤害必须报告给大楼管理员. In the event of a serious burn or injury Public Safety must be called in addition to the building manager.
    • Closed toe shoes must be worn at all times and reservations need to be mindful of individuals with loose clothing.
  • Checkout Procedures
    • 所有预定者都有责任保持社区厨房的清洁, or cleaner, than when they checked in. 
      • Cleaning supplies are provided.
    • 每次预订都需要向大楼管理员办理退房手续.
    • 在向物业经理办理退房手续之前:
      • 所有设备必须清洗、干燥并放好.
      • Counters and tables must be wiped down.
      • The floor must be swept.
      • 中心岛的垃圾桶被移走了.
    • The building manager will complete a cleaning checklist with the reservation’s approved kitchen user. If the Kitchen is found to be insufficiently cleaned the reservation will be asked to finish cleaning.
    • If a reservation fails to check out with a building manager or does not properly clean the kitchen, the hosting organization will be subject to a $300 cleaning fee and may lose the privilege to use the kitchen in the future. 该事件的批准用户也可能失去其批准用户状态.
    • Every reservation, 不管在这个空间里有没有烹饪, 是否需要与物业经理填写清洁清单.